How To Update GLPI 10

Updating GLPI to the latest version is a pretty simple process but it is a good idea to do a backup of the current glpi config before starting the upgrade.

As a secondary backup copy the GLPI folder to a backup folder by running the following command changing DATE to the current date:

cp -r /var/www/html/glpi/ /var/www/html/glpi-DATE

The upgrade process is as follows:

Download the latest version

On the glpi server run the following command to down load the latest version of GLPI (10.0.6 at the moment):


Extract the tgz file

To extract the tgz file run the following command:

tar -xvf glpi-10.0.6.tgz

This will create a glpi folder which can be copied to /var/www/html/ to overwrite the current glpi folder

Upgrade GLPI

Copy the new GLPI that was created when running the tar command above to /var/www/html

cp -r glpi /var/www/html/

This will overwrite the old version of glpi with the new version

Once the folder is copied open a browser and go to http:/serverip/glpi this will take you to the upgrade page:

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Upgrade:

Click Use GLPI to be taken to the login page.

When you login you will notice the following warning banner on your dashboard:

This warning can be cleared by running through the process described HERE.

Refresh the view and the Warning banner will be gone.

Just to make sure that glpi is on the new version. Go to Setup on the left hand menu and then General and System and you will see the System Version half way down the page:

Your GLPI is now up to date and ready to use.

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